Shocking Security News This Week: Microsoft’s New Recall AI Tool May Be a ‘Privacy Nightmare’ 2024

Investigation Reveals Eventbrite’s Role in Illegal Activities

A recent investigation has revealed that the event management platform Eventbrite has been exploited by spammers and scammers to facilitate illegal activities. These AI Tool activities include the sale of controlled substances such as Xanax and oxycodone, escort services, social media accounts, and personal information. Alarmingly, Eventbrite’s recommendation algorithm inadvertently promoted opioid sales alongside addiction recovery events. However, Eventbrite has taken action and removed most of the 7,400 illicit posts.

Tesla Model 3 Vulnerable to Theft Despite New Technology

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Owners of Tesla Model 3 vehicles are advised to enable the PIN-to-drive feature to prevent their cars from being easily stolen. Researchers from the Beijing-based security firm GoGoByte discovered that Tesla’s new ultra-wideband radio technology, while designed to prevent “relay attacks,” is not entirely foolproof. Relay attacks use inexpensive radios to transmit signals from a key fob or phone app, enabling unauthorized access to the vehicle. Tesla acknowledged that its ultra-wideband radio was not specifically intended to counter relay attacks, though it may offer this protection in the future ai tool.

FBI Arrests Operator of Incognito Market

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In a notable law enforcement action, the FBI has arrested Lin Rui-siang, a 23-year-old accused of operating the Incognito Market, a dark web marketplace that allegedly facilitated $100 million in narcotics sales. US prosecutors claim Lin extorted users of the marketplace by threatening to expose them unless they paid a ransom. Interestingly, Lin’s background includes teaching police how to trace cybercriminals using blockchain technology, making his alleged involvement in the Incognito Market particularly unusual.

Biometric Data Leak Exposes Indian Police Officers

A security breach has exposed the biometric data of police officers in India, including face scans and fingerprints. This incident underscores the risks associated with collecting and storing sensitive biometric information. The unsecured database has brought attention to the need for better security measures to protect personal data using AI tool.

Julian Assange Granted Appeal in Extradition Case

The legal saga of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange continues as a British court has ruled that he can appeal his extradition to the United States. Assange faces 18 charges under the Espionage Act related to the publication of classified US military information. The court’s decision allows Assange to challenge US prosecutors’ assurances about his trial and appeal on First Amendment grounds, delaying any final decision on his extradition for several months.

Microsoft’s New AI Tool Raises Privacy Concerns

Microsoft’s announcement of its Recall AI tool, which takes periodic screenshots of users’ devices, has sparked significant privacy concerns. Intended to help users find previously viewed content, the tool stores images locally on an encrypted drive. Despite Microsoft’s assurances of robust protections, critics have labeled it a potential “privacy nightmare.” The tool’s ability to capture sensitive information like passwords and financial data without redaction has heightened these concerns.

Also Read: Microsoft to unveil AI devices and features ahead of developer conference 2024

US Surveillance Targets Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Federal authorities are reportedly investigating links between antiwar protesters on US campuses and foreign entities. This surveillance effort, led by the National Counterterrorism Center, aims to establish connections that could justify further scrutiny. Republican Congress members have requested records from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security regarding the surveillance of these protesters, raising questions about the balance between security and constitutional rights.

FBI Arrests Man for Creating AI-Generated Child Abuse Material

The FBI has arrested a 42-year-old Wisconsin man for using AI software to create child sexual abuse material. The man was found with thousands of realistic, AI-generated images depicting children in explicit scenarios. This arrest is part of Project Safe Childhood, an initiative aimed at combating online exploitation of children. The Justice Department has reiterated its commitment to prosecuting those who produce or distribute AI-generated child abuse material.

Stalkerware Found on US Hotel Computers

Security researchers have discovered stalkerware on the computers of several Wyndham hotels in the United States. The spyware, known as pcTattletale, can monitor user activity and access personal data. A security flaw in pcTattletale exposed screenshots of infected machines on the internet. Wyndham Hotels, a franchise-based company, indicated that the spyware issue might be limited to a few locations. This discovery highlights the ongoing threat of spyware in compromising consumer privacy.

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