Germany's robotic

Growing Competition from China Challenges Germany’s Robotics Industry 2024

Germany’s robotics industry is facing increasing pressure from Chinese competitors, adding to its struggles with declining domestic orders and a sluggish economy. The VDMA engineering association highlighted these challenges in a recent statement to Reuters. “Competition is fierce,” said Frank Konrad, head of VDMA’s robotics and automation department, on Monday. “Many Chinese suppliers have grown…

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Meta’s AI Data Use Plan Faces Criticism from Best Privacy Advocacy Group NOYB 2024

Meta Platforms Inc. is under fire from the privacy advocacy group NOYB over its plans to use personal data for training its artificial intelligence (AI) models without user consent. The group has called on European privacy regulators to intervene urgently to prevent the implementation of these changes. NOYB, which stands for “none of your business,”…

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Salesforce Launches First AI Centre in London Amidst Growing Investment in Britain

Salesforce, the renowned U.S. cloud software company, has announced the establishment of its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) centre in London. This initiative aims to bring together industry experts, developers, and customers to foster innovation and enhance skills in the AI domain. The announcement coincides with Salesforce’s annual London World Tour event, which is expected to…

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Mike Lynch, the British tech pioneer’s case fraud trial, closing arguments, is set to begin in San Francisco,

San Francisco, CA – Jurors are set to hear closing arguments on Monday in the high-profile fraud trial of British technology pioneer Mike Lynch. The case centers around Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) $11 billion acquisition of Lynch’s software company, Autonomy, in 2011. Mike Lynch Lynch, a Cambridge University-educated entrepreneur, testified in his own defense, vehemently denying any…

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Debt-Laden Atos Faces Crucial Decision on Restructuring Important Plans 2024

Atos (ATOS.PA), the French IT consulting giant burdened with significant debt, announced on Monday that it plans to choose between two competing debt restructuring proposals by Wednesday. The company’s board of directors has authorized management to collaborate with creditors to ensure one of these plans receives the necessary support by June 5, with the goal…

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